Linux and Networking

Linux and Networking

2.4 What is an IP address

An IP address is based on the Internet protocol, which is also the basis for how the Internet works. It is the unique address of a device (for example, a computer, a web server, or a printer) on an internal or external network. An IP address can also refer to a set of devices, as in the case of broadcasting or multicasting. Likewise, a single computer can be assigned multiple IP addresses. What is certain is that each IP address on a network can only be assigned once at any given time.


2.4.1 What is an IP address made up of?

There are two types of IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) with very different aspects.

Both are made up of a network identifier (to find the path in IP routing) and a device identifier (to reach a specific device).


  • * They are made up of 32 bits.
  • * A total of about 43 billion different addresses can be represented.
  • * They are never needed all at once.
  • * Some are only used on private networks.



  • * Designed for the internet of things.
  • * About 340 sextillion (a figure of 37 zeros) addresses can be generated.
  • * They are made up of 128 bits.


Explain to your partner what is de difference in between an IPv4 and IPv6 address.


2.4.2 Who assigns IP addresses?

The supreme authority in assigning IP addresses is the Internet Authority for Assigned Numbers (IANA), which is a department of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).


2.4.3 What types of IP addresses are there?

Mainly a distinction is made between dynamic and static IP addresses. In addition, there are also “special use” IP addresses, of which the majority are reserved for private networks.


Dynamic IP’s addresses to browse the internet

Static IP’s addresses for websites and businesses


2.4.4 Can you hide an IP address?

IP addresses can never be completely hidden, but they can be hidden using different methods. The basic principle is always the same: first, data packets are diverted to a server that uses its own IP address, and from there they are sent to the recipient. There are several tools for this:

  • * The Tor Browser Mozilla Firefox package allows users to browse the Internet anonymously. However, since all data packets must first pass through a separate network, sometimes high bandwidths cannot be achieved.
  • * Virtual private networks (VPN) are virtual communication networks that allow encrypted data to be transmitted. If browsing through a VPN, the requested web server only sees the IP address used by the VPN, not the user’s.
  • * A proxy server can also receive data packets and transmit them using its own IP address.

2.4.5 How can you see what your IP is?

To configure an email or cloud client, you sometimes have to enter your own IP address manually. How is it found out?

  • * Windows: ipconfig
  • * Linux: ifconfig
  • * Mac: Network preferences
Explain to your partner how can you hide an IP address.
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