How to learn to program in a simple and funny way. Learn2program

Basis of the problem

The game

The game consists of a bounded area called minefield which can have both mines and obstacles. This area is represented by a grid. The purpose of the rover (DEMETER) will be to enter into the grid to clear the field of mines avoiding obstacles and get out through the delimited exit. The student will have the solution visible in order to create a program in DEMETER pseudo-language that makes the rover fulfill its mission efficiently.

basis of the problem



We have invented an easy pseudo-language to be able to move a virtual rover which can deactivate the mines contained in a minefield and avoid possible obstacles (trees, stones, etc.).

With our method, the teacher will be responsible for giving students the problem to be addressed and together through correctly targeted brainstorming techniques they will have to generate a program to resolve each challenge. 

We have divided the pseudolanguage in two parts: 

  • DEMETER I. First version of the pseudo-language with the basic orders of any programming language.
  • DEMETER II. This pseudo-language includes more complex orders and the minefields are more complicated.
The Demeter Project