1 Introduction
2 Theoretical concepts
3 The printing process
4 Arm assembly and electronics
How to calibrate a 3D printer
It is time to explain to your students how to calibrate a 3D printer.
To calibrate a printer you have to check that when you start printing, only one sheet of paper can fit between the bed and the nozzle.
If the nozzle is too close to the bed, the filament will not come out and if it is too far from the bed the filament will not be deposited properly.
In the printer settings you can adjust the z axis to move the nozzle closer to or away from the print bed.

Keep in mind that calibrating a printer is not only adjusting the nozzle to the bed. You also have to verify that the belts have the recommended tension. A loose belt causes the parts to print like the image above, while if the belt is too tight it is in danger of breaking.
The image above shows a part that has been printed with a printer with a loose belt.
By evaluating the work done